Final day before opening of THE NOBILITY OF THINGS at Fruitlands tomorrow. It's been an extremely detailed installation with very long days for over a week but I'm loving every minute of it. I feel like I'm in a huge sandbox playing with all my fantastical things.
When we open tomorrow visitors will be able to look at the art up on the wall and on the pedestals. What they won't see are all the hands, hard work and attention to detail that went into making this possible. I'm indebted to the interns, docents, installers, facilities managers, curator, marketing director, copywriter and the museum director Wyona. It's been a mammoth effort of planning, painting, arranging, building, hanging, advertising, writing and just plain hard work to pull this together.
Lastly, I thank my friends and family who have tolerated my absence for the past six months - and a big hug to my best friend and CFO, Wayne, for his indomitable support.
I am giddy with anticipation for tomorrow's reception. My son Devon will be providing music on his cello, there will be brief curator talk and light refreshments.
Next on the agenda, you ask? We are planning a few outdoor installations that will go up on the Fruitlands campus during the upcoming summer and fall.
The Nobility of Things
Fruitlands Museum Art Gallery
June 29-August 18, 2013
Reception: June 29 1-3 pm