Native American culture the fire ceremony symbolizes a transformation from the
old to the new. With my residency coming to an end, I’m excited to be able to celebrate
the completion of my year at Fruitlands Museum with this event. My final
installation at the Fruitlands is a large wood
and fiber sculpture that we will set ablaze as the sun sets in the Nashua River
Valley. Participants will have the opportunity to offer up their own messages,
letting go of the old or welcoming the new with inscriptions on paper and twigs
tucked into the sculpture. Drummers de Lookie Lookie,
a latin percussion group, will usher in the night when we light the
sculpture to send our messages towards the heavens.
November 2, 2013
5:30-6p Write up messages and add to the fire.
6 p Lighting of fire
6 p Lighting of fire
while you’re out here… make time to attend the Craft Beer Tasting event
at 4 pm. Click here for tickets.
Rick Barry, Ken
Winokur and Vicente Lebron collectively bring well over a century of drumming
experience in every style, from Afro-Caribbean and rock to ska to film
soundtrack music. They have been key members of bands including the
Alloy Orchestra, Bim Skala Bim and the Either/Orchestra, and together now power
Lookie Lookie, a band reviving Latin Bugalu, a crossover style from the Groovy