Today I did a last minute installation at the Arsenal Center for the Arts... and boy is it nice to be there. Lucky for me, the center had a cancellation and we scrambled to pull this together. The stepped gallery space as you enter the front door seems like it would be overwhelming to work with but my bronzes fit right in. The space and color palettes are perfect complements and there is ample space for each piece to breathe while still being able to relate to each other. It was fun to play with the layout because there's a changing perspective as you climb up the stairs making for a very dynamic viewing from all angles. Looking forward to a few receptions - one this Thursday for the New Member Show - and one for FORGERIES in late February/ early March. Will keep you posted as all the details work themselves out.
I like to playfully call this body of work FORGERIES. Though they appear to be bronze statues, these are not molded, cast and bronzed, but actual objects that are assembled, sealed to appear as if cast from a mold and then painted. It is a several step process that involves the application of patina and finally a wax finish.
They appear to be a heavy statue and even though the surface is firm, if you poke it, the fabric gives way under the pressure. I love the trick of perception with material and concept - a memorial of a particular place and time - but very much in the present tense.