Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fall Workshops

Looking ahead to some great days of teaching this Fall. Here are a couple that are already lined up... I'm working out the details for a couple more both near and far. Will post those soon.

Hope to see you!

Sept. 21, 2013 
Fruitlands Museum
Members $85, Nonmembers $115

Sept. 28 & 29
10-4 pm
Eliot School

November 6
Concord Art Association
Members $75 Nonmembers $125 

Friday, September 13, 2013


What is it about September that brings on melancholy? The end of summer, the beginning of school, the leaves changing color and dropping, the changing light - all symbols of loss that feel more momentous then a birthday.

For my kids September was about beginnings like the start of a new year, a return to friends and the prospect of new challenges. For me it was more about time. Septembers were clear designations of the beginning and end of a cycle. The return to the drop-off line each new year left me feeling stunned, but without it, I would have spun into another one without notice.

So on this September day, I reflect on a year that has been momentous on many levels. It began with a huge loss and then progressed into a rich experience of teaching, residencies, exhibitions and collaborations. A year complete with new beginnings, new friends and many challenges. Today, I also look ahead - to a calendar full of workshops, exhibitions and the prospect of many new interactions.

I live next door to an elementary school and witness a cacophony of small voices each day during arrival, recess and dismissal. I just realized how much I love this. They are back after a long hot spell of silence and ready to march into their new year. It feels good to hear them again.